Soul Imprints:
The Legacy of Existence
Over our lifetime there are many items that touch us; ideas that awaken us; and private matters that provide caution. Where do these insights come from? How do they flow into what we understand to be our consciousness? Is it possible that these imprints have been buried deep within us, forever altering the course of our lives?

About the Book
Soul Imprints:The Legacy of Existence is an unconventional memoir, framed in Socratic dialogues. It sketches how the effects of human imprinting (how we displace our energy) are jam packed with fear, shame and other emotional misdemeanors–many of which we inflict upon ourselves. It is our awareness, however, that gives us the ability to exist amid these uncertainties and mysteries.
When we become alert to how human energy leaves its mark, we begin to experience the unexpected moments of passionate exuberance that free the secrets hidden within the unopened envelopes of human life.
Critical Acclaim for Soul Imprints
“Soul Imprints is a touching, reflective and intriguing read. Early in the book Megargee says: “There are many paths to the truth. This is simply mine.” Not only did I think that this was impactful way to begin the book, but I think that Megargee stayed true to this throughout.”
Although some would consider the topics surrounding soul imprints “out there” Megargee presents them with the rationality and candidness that would be used when approaching any natural phenomenon, which along with the structure, is a great strength of this work. Both serve as ways of grounding these more esoteric topics in a manner that makes them easier to understand and relatable to the reader.“
“If you are in a place of exploration and have a strong desire to be on the path toward truth without needing an answer – then you should definitely check out this book. Megargee writes in a flowing, connective and inspiring way that is very engaging.“
Critical Acclaim for Soul Imprints
“Soul Imprints is a touching, reflective and intriguing read. Early in the book Megargee says: “There are many paths to the truth. This is simply mine.” Not only did I think that this was impactful way to begin the book, but I think that Megargee stayed true to this throughout.”
Although some would consider the topics surrounding soul imprints “out there” Megargee presents them with the rationality and candidness that would be used when approaching any natural phenomenon, which along with the structure, is a great strength of this work. Both serve as ways of grounding these more esoteric topics in a manner that makes them easier to understand and relatable to the reader.“
“If you are in a place of exploration and have a strong desire to be on the path toward truth without needing an answer – then you should definitely check out this book. Megargee writes in a flowing, connective and inspiring way that is very engaging.”
Who are we, why are we here, and where are we going? I have examined these questions in a series of unconventional, Socratic-like memoirs: Dirt, Truth, Music and Bungee Cords: Conversations with the Souls Who Guide My Life; Soul Sins and Regrettable Lies; and Soul Mechanics: Unlocking the Human Warrior. As a result, I have been a party to otherworldly, soul-guide discussions that have led to numerous questions concerning how any of us arrive at a logical purpose for our actuality. Further, knowing all that has been uncovered, the remaining questions always seem to focus on, What else can be revealed?
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Putting transcendent questions into writing for the interest of others was never my intended life purpose. In private, I was merely trying to detail a succession of very personal and professional heartfelt matters—first while self-observing at a Taiwanese monastery in northern Virginia, and later while visiting with a number of spiritual Buddhist teachers.
It was through these early Eastern philosophical associations that I grew to appreciate that the quirky questions of life often require alternative and, at times, offbeat resources. As a result, I decided to convey my otherworldly, soul-focused adventures with the assistance of the Berwick, Pennsylvania, oracle Shirlet Enama. My expectation regarding making this unusual choice?
That hopeful alternative passageways would open up, allowing me to explore the core components of my lifelong questions. Throughout my irregular internal journey, my personal research determined that philosophical and scientific examinations of mystical matters are different yet complementary when applied to spiritual undertakings. By choosing to travel within these human disciplines, I have realized the extraordinary ways of fearlessly investigating the undiscovered imprints that have been assigned to my soul.
Get the first four books in the Bud Megargee unconventional memoir series on your Kindle with one easy click.

Interested in talking with Bud?
Bud is happy to take inquiries and requests for speaking and interviews.