Throughout this multiyear voyage, friends and family have asked many curious questions, but none was more prominent than…

Who is the spirit energy I refer to as Laz and what is his relationship to me?

Well, to answer that question I will need for you to take a leap of faith, if only for just a moment because along with your initial reaction to spirit channeling, I too was an extreme skeptic.

Initially, I queried everything involving this unconventional journey – from Shirlet’s talents to the subsequent presentation of spiritual newcomers and soul guides. What changed for me was this – what I was learning was completely unexpected, and by stubbornly preserving my curiosity, I quietly convinced myself to continue exploring this unusual world of souls.

While working on “Soul Sins” I was introduced to a principle soul guide for the first time. Having previously read about such an encounter I requested a number of superficial things including a name. The response was Laz. Initially I found this energy to be gracious, candid, perceptive and at times both comical and upbeat. To say that he was like me would not be completely accurate – he appeared to be looking after me – like a family member would.

Sandwiched between “Soul Sins” and “Soul Mechanics,” I was introduced to an analogy where I discovered that many of us have up to five or six souls that companion with us throughout portions of our soul’s development. Within my grouping there appeared to be five energies, including myself.

Over the years, certain soul identities were shared, but more importantly, each soul exposed a certain persona. I recognized Laz as a watcher guide, a teacher, within the group. His responsibilities were situated beyond human incarnation and centered on injecting encouragement to other souls. Laz is the driving inspiration that occurs during moments of forewarning and unease – a protective spiritual watchdog for many lifelong mishaps.

My own understanding of what I have undergone with Laz – my now official certifiable mystical experience – all remains a work in progress as I search for the right words to fully describe its outcome. It appears, however, that Laz serves as the maintenance department for soul cluster energies. Here is what I mean – with a subtle set of tools, he safeguards my stored energy within the group. On occasion, along with a series of delicate prompts, he might send suggestions to benefit an outcome by way of some freshly fashioned insight. 

Although I never revealed my intimate involvement within the framework of this journey, my involvement with Laz has been sheltered to keep me from dropping behind. The spiritual and personal life had veered into the guardrails and he has been privately covering my slip-ups so that I might continue to remain and progress with my other mates.