Recently a reader forwarded these questions:

“With all of your research regarding the World of Souls, is there one human quality or trait that aligns with the soul personality that you refer to as a Human Warrior?” “Do some answers rest in what we are unearthing about ourselves during current lifetimes?”

My immediate thoughts with answering the questions involved the following. On a personal level, over time, we have the capacity to become more sympathetic, less flawed, and slightly more courageous. Bundled together, those characteristics represent optimistic actions taken to influence a positive life trajectory and increase awareness. Yet, these thoughts fall short in answering the central questions posed by my reader friend.

Many years ago, I was studying heedfulness (the Buddhist concept of Appamada) at a Taiwanese Wat in Northern Virginia. The attending monks were emphasizing what was necessary to effect positive life energy with unselfish care and persistence. Their comments emphasized that deep and intimate affirmative intentions allowed for unusual enlightenment to shine throughout our allotted time on earth. They were deliberate in drawing attention to the undertakings that, from their positions, create the “true positive blessings of life.”

In many Buddhist communities, “true blessings” are described as “actions without air.” They are “Nivata” or better explained as unquestionable acts of humility. These are deeds that are fundamental to labeling the reasons for everything. Removing the air from life’s challenges lowers our protective shields and removes our ego. That act alone creates the tolerance that is required to learn from our curiosity and create optimistic life outcomes

Throughout life we seek to answer these basic questions: How should I orient my life? Who am I? What is my true nature? How can I become better every day? What are my serious weaknesses? The answers exist by focusing on our inner world, with an intention to balance outcomes. In the end, the effect of reviving a positive self-image allows us to continue with what we have accidentally left behind during life’s transitions. 

Human Warriors, however, are vastly different. First, through their desired actions, they highlight both what to strive for and how all of us can live going forward. Human Warriors are purposely orientated to offset life’s negative chaos. They maintain their eyes on the horizon, with an emphasis on rightness and virtue. They pay special attention to increasing one’s excellence within the soul. For a Human Warrior, life endlessly represents a moral drama that needs to be in balance

Secondly, Human Warriors understand that all of us are flawed creatures – selfish and overconfident. Our arrogance often causes us to consistently see ourselves as the center of the universe, while chasing shallow ideals. They also know that, privately, we are forever conceding to ourselves that we know less about our spiritual development than we think.

Ultimately, I believe that the adaptable personality trait that best represents a Human Warrior is humility. Standing alone, humility best outlines that we are not to be the center of the universe. Instead, we exist to serve the larger order. With a unique orientation to preserve positive energy, a Human Warrior’s unassuming nature becomes an assessment of our true makeup. They supply an awareness that suggest that we are all underdogs in the struggle against our collective weaknesses.

In time, a life of focused humility provides the balance required to weaken life’s onslaught of negative chaos. The Human Warrior’s humility habitually allows us to learn that by balancing life’s energy we are given the gift of validating the strength of our individual soul

The answers to the reader’s questions are complex and stand against the prevailing winds of our culture. Alternatively, Human Warriors fashion themselves as part of a counterculture with the single goal of addressing the imbalance we all feel. Often that outcome requires an accurate evaluation of our true nature and all the lessons we have learned to arrive at that point

I believe that all of us create a focused and distinct moral life ecology. It is a network of activity that is complete with perplexing and unbalanced energies developed by crusaders, rebels, and an occasional schmuck. The humility residue injected by Human Warriors in conflicted ecosystems shifts the complete focus of life’s challenges from negative to positive. This is the process that will unlock all the answers my reader friend seeks.