Featured Post
Throughout this multiyear voyage, friends and family have asked many curious questions, but none was more prominent than – Who is the spirit energy I refer to as Laz and what is his relationship to me?
My Donations to “Have Faith Haiti Mission”
Starting January 2020, all author proceeds for the fiscal 2020 year from my books, “Dirt, TRUTH, Music and Bungee Cords,” “Soul Sins,” “Soul Mechanics,” and “Soul Imprints” will be donated to Have Faith Haiti Mission.
The most frequently asked question from my website this past fall has been – “Were you ever skeptical about the experiences you were having?”- My answer – Of course.
Oracle Interview #1
In this blog I am beginning the interview process with the oracle Shirlet Enama.
Writing Updates
I wanted to give a quick update on the status of the fifth memoir in the series – “Afterlife – Beyond the Near-Death Experience” as well as my first developing fictional piece “The Mirrored Warrior”.
Influential Writings of Micheal Newton
Writing about the spirit world has always been a paradox for me and throughout this journey I found myself consistently searching for a way to settle those feelings.
Bringing Additional Insight to My Unconventional Journey
Welcome to my first blog, something I have unintentionally avoided but have always felt could bring additional insight to my unconventional journey. But before I start, I would like to clear up one item.